I finished three more sweaters, a stocking, 4 hats, 2 shawls/scarves, 1 pair of mitts, and a disappointing felt tote. I love the two Gretel hats I made; one with Plucky MCN sport and the other is Madelinetosh Worsted. Yum!!! I participated in Single Skein September with the Stash and Burn Groupies, which is why there were quite a few small projects in there. So nice after all the sweaters! Two of my projects ended up in the Episode #83 photo (1st column, top and bottom pics).
Next up is October and Socktober. I have quite a few skeins of sock yarn which need to get made into something. My goals are to make at least three from this group:
-finish Squoosh "Confection" (February Lady Socks)
-Plucky "Nessie" socks for Jon
-Ruby Port Sundara (to match Henley Perfected sweater)
-Malabrigo "Cordovan" doubled
-KP Essential "Soot" for Jon
-Figure out a pattern for the Squoosh "Curry"
-Green socks for L
I also have some lace yarn to make some lightweight sweaters for next spring. I still want to make a Whisper Cardigan. I finally bought the magazine because the digital version was just not happening soon enough. More sweaters are out there, waiting to be knit. I started Anise; bulky sweaters knit up so fast!
DONE Sweaters/big projects= 15 of 12 (#s for NaKniSweMoDo only):
1. Blue Brooks Farm Solo (EZ set in sleeve, v-neck sweater)-completed 1/12/09
2. Black Cascade 109 (SweaterBabe Vine Lace Cardigan)-completed 2/11/09
3. Plucky Knitter Merino Sock (top down u-neck)-completed 3/2/09
a. Blues Cascade 109 (Kiki Rug/Mason Dixon book)-completed 3/13/09
4. Ruby Port Sundara FSM (Henley Perfected Sweater)-completed 3/15/09
5. Savoir Faire Plucky Knitter MCN Sport (top down W. Bernard-style)-completed 4/20/09
6. Black Parade Smooshy Sock (Featherweight Cardigan)-completed 5/18/09
7. Tan Ella Rae Worsted (Cassidy cabled cardigan)-completed 5/25/09
8. Plum Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (Buttercup top)-completed 5/29/09
9. Plum Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (3rd try sweater)-completed 6/2/09
10. Peacock Plucky Knitter fingering 50 silk/50 merino-completed 6/18/09
11. Black Cascade 220 Superwash (Slinky Ribs henley)- completed 7/7/09
12. LE Music of the Night Sundara FSM (Apres Surf Sans Hoodie)-completed 8/4/09
13. LE The Celebration Sundara FSM (Liesl)-completed 8/15/09
14. LE Second Look Sundara Sock (February Lady)-completed 9/9/09
15. Duchess Madelinetosh Wren (Evening Shrug)-completed 9/17/09
16. Black Cascade 109 (Anise)-started 9/26/09
DONE For others projects=16 of 12
14. Velvet Grapes Malabrigo Sock (Dane-Ish scarf-Mom) completed 9/24/09
15. Knit Picks Stroll Sport (Dawson's Stocking) completed 9/21/09
16. Plymouth Encore Red/Blue (Rib-a-roni hat-W) completed 9/29/09
Gretel-Madtosh Worsted Silver Fox