The finishing line is here. I completed my 11th, 12th, and 13th items for others, which was a huge relief! I'm going to keep track for the rest of the year, but I've made my goal and am happy! Jon's 2 Rib-a-roni hats and Jacquie's scarf wrapped it up.
In NaKniSweMoDo land, I finished my black Slinky Ribs sweater #11 out of Cascade 220 Superwash and it fits very well. The cuffs may need to be reknit because they are a little too tight. We'll see. I completed my Apres Surf Sans Hoodie #12 and love the yarn and finished sweater. It gets a bit old to make a sweater out of fingering weight yarn, but I love the results. So pretty! I wasn't able to finish it before the end of the month because we had a bit of company to prep for and entertain.
What's next? I have a few sweaters worth of yarn to knit up (more than I started with!). Plus socks, hats, and shawls are cued up and waiting. I'm hoping for some good inspiration from the fall magazine/online patterns. I tired of the same old thing. I also have 2 Christmas stockings for my littler guys to make, so that would be fun to work on as well. Four months and no obligations sounds the best of all. I started up two new projects today (fingering and lace wt).
While trying to muster up the strength to finish my sweater and waiting for it to dry before the applied i-cord bindoff, I whipped up a Gretel (Ysolda pattern) using some Madelinetosh Merino Worsted yarn in Silver Fox. It was a dream project and I love the results. What is it about me and cabled hats? Must make more....
DONE Sweaters/big projects= 12 of 12 (#s for NaKniSweMoDo only):
1. Blue Brooks Farm Solo (EZ set in sleeve, v-neck sweater)-completed 1/12/09
2. Black Cascade 109 (SweaterBabe Vine Lace Cardigan)-completed 2/11/09
3. Plucky Knitter Merino Sock (top down u-neck)-completed 3/2/09
a. Blues Cascade 109 (Kiki Rug/Mason Dixon book)-completed 3/13/09
4. Ruby Port Sundara FSM (Henley Perfected Sweater)-completed 3/15/09
5. Savoir Faire Plucky Knitter MCN Sport (top down W. Bernard-style)-completed 4/20/09
6. Black Parade Smooshy Sock (Featherweight Cardigan)-completed 5/18/09
7. Tan Ella Rae Worsted (Cassidy cabled cardigan)-completed 5/25/09
8. Plum Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (Buttercup top)-completed 5/29/09
9. Plum Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (3rd try sweater)-completed 6/2/09
10. Peacock Plucky Knitter fingering 50 silk/50 merino-completed 6/18/09
11. Black Cascade 220 Superwash (Slinky Ribs henley)- completed 7/7/09
12. LE Music of the Night Sundara FSM (Sundara Summer Lace KACAL-Apres Surf Sans Hoodie)-completed 8/4/09
13. Soot Knit Picks Shadow Lace Kettle Dyed (variation of Emma)-started 8/6/09
14. LE The Celebration Sundara FSM (Liesl)-started 8/6/09
. Grey Cascade 220
. Black Cascade 109 sweater #2
. LE Lady in Waiting Sundara Sport Merino (want to trade)
. LE Second Look Sundara Sock
. LE Lilacs Below My Window Sundara Sock
. Black over Violet Sundara FSM
. Handspun grey salish wool (or several options to choose from)
. Reassemble Drops Cardigan (steek & chop off the excess body width)
DONE For others projects=13 of 12
1. Tan Louet fingering (Jon socks)-completed 1/19/09
2. Tan Louet sport (Jon socks)-completed 2/27/09
3. Tan Louet sport (Mom socks)-completed 3/1/09
4. Velvet Grapes Malabrigo chunky (mom unoriginal hat)-completed 1/16/09
5. Cuarzo Malabrigo worsted (mom unoriginal hat)-completed 1/16/09
6. Tuareg Malabrigo worsted (Sam unoriginal hat)-completed 1/2/09
7. Black Plucky Knitter MCN worsted (Jon hat)-completed 3/3/09
8. Black Walnut Pigeon Roof Studios sock (Jon socks)-completed 3/22/09
9. Cordovan Malabrigo (Jon socks)-completed 4/13/09
10. MadTosh Scarlet Sock (Joan fruit loops socks)-completed 4/21/09
11. Fudge Squoosh MCN worsted (Jon hat)-completed 7/3/09
12. Jay Knit Picks Shadow Kettle Dyed lace (Jacquie Melody Scarf/Shawl)-completed 7/24/09
13. Ink Squoosh MCN worsted (Jon hat)-completed 8/2/09
Jon's Fudge Hat

"Grey Gretel"