I'm closing in on the end of NaKniSweMoDo and it is only Mid-June! I'm very excited to have done so many sweaters in such a short time. However, I'm more thrilled that they have been very wearable pieces and I've learned a ton about sweater shaping, construction and what styles look good on me. After a very cool spring, I've seen that my wardrobe lacked light weight sweaters, so I've made more of those. Probably one of my happiest F.O.'s has been getting the two tops done in the plum Cotton Fleece. It is frustrating to work so hard and then have a garment that looks bad or fits poorly. I love both now and am realizing that it pays to get it right.
Next up, a black wool worsted wt. version of Slinky Ribs from Custom Knits and a sock weight sweater from my Sundara Limited Edition "Second Look". It is more varigated so I'll be doing a lace pattern on that one. It will be my project for Sundara Summer Lace KACAL, which starts June 21st.
Sweaters/big projects= 10 of 12 (#s for NaKniSweMoDo only):
1. Blue Brooks Farm Solo (EZ set in sleeve, v-neck sweater)-completed 1/12/09
2. Black Cascade 109 (SweaterBabe Vine Lace Cardigan)-completed 2/11/09
3. Plucky Knitter Merino Sock (top down u-neck)-completed 3/2/09
a. Blues Cascade 109 (Kiki Rug/Mason Dixon book)-completed 3/13/09
4. Ruby Port Sundara FSM (Henley Perfected Sweater)-completed 3/15/09
5. Savoir Faire Plucky Knitter MCN Sport (top down W. Bernard-style)-completed 4/20/09
6. Black Parade Smooshy Sock (Featherweight Cardigan)-completed 5/18/09
7. Tan Ella Rae Worsted (Cassidy cabled cardigan)-completed 5/25/09
8. Plum Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (Buttercup top)-completed 5/29/09
9. Plum Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (3rd try sweater)-completed 6/2/09
10. Peacock Plucky Knitter fingering 50 silk/50 merino-completed 6/18/09
11. Black Cascade 220 Superwash (Slinky Ribs henley)-started 6/18/09
12. LE Second Look Sundara Sock (Sundara Summer Lace KACAL)-will start 6/21/09
. Grey Cascade 220
. Black Cascade 109 sweater #2
. LE Lady in Waiting Sundara Sport Merino (want to trade)
. LE Music of the Night Sundara FSM
. Black over Violet Sundara FSM (arriving July)
. Handspun grey salish wool (or several options to choose from)
. Reassemble Drops Cardigan (steek & chop off the excess body width)
. Noro (recycled from vest-felted bag?)
For others projects=10 of 12
1. Tan Louet fingering (Jon socks)-completed 1/19/09
2. Tan Louet sport (Jon socks)-completed 2/27/09
3. Tan Louet sport (Mom socks)-completed 3/1/09
4. Velvet Grapes Malabrigo chunky (mom's unoriginal hat)-completed 1/16/09
5. Cuarzo Malabrigo worsted (mom's unoriginal hat)-completed 1/16/09
6. Tuareg Malabrigo worsted (Sam's unoriginal hat)-completed 1/2/09
7. Black Plucky Knitter MCN worsted (Jon hat)-completed 3/3/09
8. Black Walnut Pigeon Roof Studios sock (Jon socks)-completed 3/22/09
9. Cordovan Malabrigo (Jon socks)-completed 4/13/09
10. MadTosh Scarlet Sock (Joan's fruit loops socks)-completed 4/21/09
. Nessie Plucky Knitter Merino Sock (Jon socks)
. Black Knit Picks Essentials Kettle Dyed (Jon socks)
. Silver Fox MadTosh Worsted (hat?)
. Fudge Squoosh MCN worsted (Jon hat)
#9 NaKniSweMoDo-The sweater that has been knit thrice:

#10 NaKniSweMoDo: Modified Emma-one of my favorite F.O.'s ever...