We have survived the first week of March. It is always so busy with family birthdays and all of the prep that goes with that. Spring has sprung and the grass is finally about 50% visible. The baby tried out his new boots and enjoyed walking around outside. No flowers yet, but I'm hoping for a few bulbs to emerge in a week or so.
Knitting has taken a back seat with all of the celebration activities in the forefront. I did finish the shawl, a pair of wool socks for the Mr.'s b-day and have made more progress on the STR socks. Here are the wool socks made from some local yarn (Wisconsin Highland). They are very warm and sheepy.

The shawl is made from left overs of my Norski Baby Sweaters (Cottage Creations). About 8 oz on size 7 needles. An 8 would have been better, in hindsight. This shawl makes me nostalgic. I used the yarn to make 6 sweaters total, 3 for my boys and 3 for some special family friends. They take a lot of work and really are not your normal gift sweaters. Making the shawl from these yarns was sort of an "end of an era" project. No more babies for me, so no need to save the half skeins for color work on another one. Maybe for my grandchildren, but that's a long way off. So, I'll be able to remember my boys being tiny enough to fit into the sweaters each and every time I wrap up in the shawl.

Here's the baby's version I made. He wore it for his first b-day photos a few months ago.

His my second son's version:

And that's the oldest's version. He's six now. Time flies so quickly...