I rounded up a bunch more pictures of finished objects to add to my flickr sets. In the process, I came to the conclusion that I needed to frog a few things. Item one: handspun pink yarn made into a baby hat. I realized that I would rather remake this into something for myself than give it away. I bought the fiber while pregnant with my first son. Ummm, no girls to give it to so I'm going to repurpose it. Same with the cute purple handspun made from the same trip (SOAR).

Second item: pink earflap hat made from Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran purchased on a trip to visit my brother before second son was born. Again, will make it into something cute for myself.

I was dumb and made a cute sweater while pregnant with my third son, again in a girly color. I'm going to give that to our kindergarten teacher's baby girl.
Third project destined for rebirth: a vest knit out of Polar rainbow yarn. Cute yarn, cute on a 20-something year old new knitter, not so cute on me now.

I also started my Jaywalker socks using Socks that Rock medium wt. Pictures next time.